Diablo 2 wiki, deckard cain
Diablo 2 wiki, deckard cain

That must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the Labyrinth. Unless he means to sacrifice him to his Dark Masters! I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the Darkness, or what his interest is in the child. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.Ĭurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. The Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. An Evil that quite obviously has now been released.

diablo 2 wiki, deckard cain

My true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an Ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless Evil. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.

diablo 2 wiki, deckard cain

While I did not allow myself to believe the Ancient Legends, I cannot deny them now. This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears.

Diablo 2 wiki, deckard cain